My first dollshouse

This is my Tudor style dollshouse which was built for me by my dad when I was about 13. If it's possible, I adore it more now 20 years later.

My beautiful Tudor style dollshouse
Every single piece of wood was hand crafted, exactly to my specification. I drew on a scrappy piece of paper what I wanted and my dad built it for me.

He made the lights, the fire grates (out of pineapple tins), the servants' bells, the doors, the beams, the roof tiles - everything. Each of the tiles was made and put in place individually. They started life as cereal boxes, were covered with different types of sand and then mixed in a bucket to ensure the selection was random when they were stuck to the roof. I still think that's amazing.

Actually, this wasn't my first dollshouse. I had a lovely chunky wooden one when I was small - the kind of thing you'd get in the Early Learning Centre. It was my first introduction to a miniature world where I could decide exactly how things should be (yes, I'm a bit of a control freak). 

I can't remember why or how my mum got into dollshouses but my dad's first project was her Victorian house - again it was hand crafted from scratch. We went to exhibitions and my dad couldn't believe how expensive the houses were. He knew he could create something far superior for a fraction of the price.

From that point on I wanted my own. Today it's a hobby that is shared with my parents and my husband. We are very lucky to have some beautiful things so I want to share them. 

I thought the internet would be flooded with similar blogs but I can't find many at all. I hope that doesn't mean people aren't interested - perhaps it's the age profile of the average miniaturist that is to blame.

For now, here's a sneak preview of the inside of my house. Over time, I'll show you the rooms in detail and tell you a bit more about them. 

Front of the house removed 

Other projects to come include two general stores, a pub, a seaside cafe, a fishmonger's hut, a castle and my train set. Stay tuned!


  1. This is also a fun post. It's great to share what we love. That is the fun of blogging.

    Love the dollhouse and the story behind it.

  2. Yep - I can see your point! Once again, thanks for the support.

    1. I like that you included pictures to your posts. That's fun to do.

      So much fun to be had.

  3. Does Tim try to use this in his games? It's amazing.

    1. He wouldn't dare! But I'm lucky that he appreciates it just as much as I do. I am rather protective of it though.

  4. Wait... what another site... sorry I only join one site at a time...

  5. Wow that is an amazing house.


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