Tiny toys - a tour of my miniature nursery

Continuing the tour of my 1:12 scale Tudor dollshouse that I started some years ago, the nursery is another of my favourite rooms.

The nursery in 1:12 scale

I could have filled this room many times over because tiny toys are so very beautiful. I'm particularly fond of Humpty Dumpty and Paddington Bear - in fact, I would love to own the entire range from Sally Reader Miniatures but these two are my favourites.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

There's a lot going on in this room - all on top of the rug my nan made more than 20 years ago. Right at the back of the nursery is a toy garage that I'm also rather fond of - complete with cars.

Spot the garage. Look out for the kite and skipping rope too - both have lovely details

I'm always in two minds about whether or not to add people to a room. There's no doubt it takes away from the realism and, particularly in photos, the vague doubt over whether or not you're looking at a miniature scene or a full size room. However, sometimes I come across people that I feel I have to have, or I just think they'll fit well in a room.

It wouldn't really be right to have a nursery without children playing

When I first saw these two laying on their stomachs, I knew they'd be perfect for the nursery. They were in the library for a little while but I actually love that room too much to add people.

Hmmm, where to start?

It's worth taking a closer look at what they're doing as the detail in that plane kit is astounding. It feels like real balsa wood but I have to admit, I've never got it out the box and explored properly as it's just so delicate.

Perhaps one day when I'm fast asleep the children will build it themselves :-)


  1. Lots of great detail on all of those toys...but the coolest thing in the room has to be the homemade rug! That's an awesome memory to have in there...

    1. Thank you! My nan made all the rugs in my house - she was very talented. We used to go to shows and she couldn't believe how much people were charging for them. She made her own and they were so much better than anything we could buy!


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