
A trip to the 100th Miniatura

  Last weekend my mum and I took a trip to Miniatura - my favourite exhibition of the year. This one was particularly special as it was the 100th show and lots of the stallholders had made a real effort to recognise that - as you can see from the photos above. Miniatura began in 1983 but if I'm honest, I've lost track of how many shows we've been to. We started going when it was at the NEC but Stoneleigh - the exhibition's home for the last few years - is definitely a more relaxed experience. There's so much room to move around so even if your favourite stall is a few people deep, it never feels uncomfortable or over-crowded. This year there were even more places to sit and the catering had been brought inside the main hall which worked really well.  After a long drive hampered by heavy traffic on the Saturday, we arrived with just under two hours to explore and were relieved we had bought weekend tickets, which are great value. My mum had a shopping list whereas I

My miniatures make the national press!

A month ago my lovely friend Sian, who happens to be the deputy news editor at, asked if I'd like to be put forward for a series on collections that would be featured in their lifestyle section. Ten years ago my pub (the Rachel's Return) was featured in our local paper but I'd never had any national coverage. I have to admit, I didn't for one minute think it would mean a photographer would be sent round but that's what happened - and the result was lots of pictures of me looking awkward next to my house and room boxes… One of the best things about the whole situation was that I suddenly had a very definite deadline. My beach hut had been half finished for a while but I spent a very happy evening finishing it off, and then adding all the bits and pieces I’ve been collecting over the last couple of years. I also found some miniatures that had been missing since we moved house four years ago, which was a huge relief. The journalist I spoke to was absol

A beautiful beach hut

It’s taken a couple of years, but I’m over the moon with how my latest project has turned out. During the pandemic, I was seconded to a communications team within the NHS for 17 months. Obviously you get to know people well during such a lengthy, not to mention intense, time but I was still really surprised – and absolutely delighted – when part of my leaving gift was a 1:12 kit for a beach hut, as well as some lovely bits and pieces to go inside from Shepherd Miniatures .  Just before I left, the team headed to a beach hut to celebrate the NHS’s birthday so it had a special meaning. I immediately decided I would be painting it in ‘NHS blue’ but it’s taken a while to complete it. My first attempt at decorating and overall, I love it. As usual, my dad was very efficient and built the kit for me almost immediately but I was nervous about the painting so put it off for a while. That’s not to say I wasn’t scouring every exhibition and website for things to go inside in the meantime.

Modern miniatures make me happy

I love modern miniatures - and that’s not something I ever thought I’d say. When I first started collecting more than 30 years ago, all the modern miniatures you could buy looked very unrealistic. They were plastic, tacky and made me think it was an era I’d never collect. Fast forward around 25 years and things started to change. Even mass-produced pieces have improved but the advent of 3D printing has meant miniatures have become far more realistic. Once I realised how beautifully made a lot of the pieces are and the huge range of things you can now buy, I knew I was going to need to somewhere to put them. I had my eye on Dolls House Emporium’s Lake View  or the Malibu Beach House  but neither is cheap. I set up searches on Facebook Marketplace and eventually a brand new, unopened Malibu Beach House kit popped up just 45 minutes away. I’m not sure my dad shared my excitement, but he did very kindly agree to build it for me. I’m still deciding on the internal decoration (and in